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Near Field Communication on San Francisco Parking Meters

on July 25, 2012

HeLLO Everyone!

I was given the wonderful opportunity to join Cellotape Inc. and be a part of there Near Field Communication Team. NFC has been around for awhile but hasn’t caught any heat until 2012. We have been able to jump into the fun of creating NFC tags for many customers including one you might’ve seen if you have been to San Francisco lately. Cellotape provided NFC paybyphone labels and encoded tags to the city of San Francisco, to make parking in city less dreadful. With just the tap of an NFC enabled phone on the parking meter tag, you will be able to pay and be notified when your parking time is up. This is just one way NFC has touch our lives. Stay tune for the next Cellotape posting.

Cellotape Marketing Team

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